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What am I going to say about your work when I experience it every day in the sculpture you gave us!!

David Ramos

¡Qué líneas! Es como que me reconfortan! ( What lines !! It’s like they comfort me!!)

Emmanuel L. Madrid,

Los Angeles

Sculptures that take on the form of congeniality, of origins and of silence. There are sculptors who manage to increase in sublimeness the whole process necessary for creating forms, for expressing poetry and realities through the medium of shape. Toby Govan would thus belong to that group of artists who are able to silence the process, that is, to make the method of allowing forms to arise into something completely silent. We are thus trying to define the style of a sculptor who employs a subtle artistic language, who makes use of a material that adopts a constant and clean embrace, an embrace that comes not only from the absence of ruptures or edges, but also, and especially, thanks to the permanent rounded dimension that most of his works transmit, probably symbolizing a warm nucleus, but also from a special origin and magic point of departure that has a lot to do with Nature.

M. Iglesias,

Los Angeles
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